Visual Feedback

Spectrum image display

During spectrum image (SI) acquisition, it shows each SI in its own image display. The spectrum image fills as the spectral data is acquired and placed into position in the SI. You can use the 3D visualization tools to explore the spectral data while the acquisition is running (e.g., Slice tool). Since there is a processing overhead that may introduce artifacts into your data acquisition, we advise doing this after acquisition or while paused.

Live spectra

Live spectral feedback during acquisition can be enabled or disabled with the Live button in the STEM-SI palette. You can manipulate the live spectra using the standard tools for line plot display visualization.

Live spectra

Beam position cursorBeam position cursor

During acquisition, an orange beam cursor marks the beam position on the survey image. This indicates the progress of the acquisition, and its position may vary slightly from that of the beam. For particularly fast acquisitions, the cursor is displayed as a line or even completely disabled.

Pixels per second

Pixels per secondThe actual SI acquisition rate is posted to the Gatan Microscopy Suite® software status area at the bottom of the application. It displays in units of pixels per second. This information can be useful when you configure a spectrometer for optimal readout speed.

Time remainingTime remaining

The remaining acquisition time is displayed in real-time in the STEM-SI palette just above the Capture button. This time is based on the actual acquisition rate, excluding any pauses.