Ammonia-based molecular beam epitaxy (NH3-MBE) was used to grow catalyst-assisted GaN nanowires on (1EQ \O(1,¯)02) r-plane sapphire substrates. Dislocation free [11EQ \O(2,¯)0] oriented nanowires are formed with pentagon shape cross-section, instead of the usual triangular shape facet configuration. Specifically, the cross-section is the result of the additional two nonpolar {10EQ \O(1,¯)0} side facets, which appear due to a decrease in relative growth rate of the {10EQ \O(1,¯)0} facets to the {10EQ \O(1,¯)1} and {10EQ \O(1,¯)EQ \O(1,¯)} facets under the growth regime in NH3-MBE. Compared to GaN nanowires grown by Ni-catalyzed metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, the NH3-MBE grown GaN nanowires show more than an order of magnitude increase in band-edge to yellow luminescence intensity ratio, as measured by cathodoluminescence, indicating improved microstructural and optical properties.

Published in

Journal of Crystal Growth

Authored by

Lin, Y.; Leung, B.; Li, Q.; Figiel, J. J.; Wang, G. T.

Publication date

Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Resource category