Cathodoluminescence (CL) and EELS analysis of gold prism of 250 nm side length. (a) STEM dark field image, (b) Cathodoluminescence total light intensity map with prism outlined by black dotted line and (c) Comparison of CL and electron energy loss (EELS) spectra in TEM/STEM system with FEG electron source. The tail of the EELS zero loss peak (FWHM 0.65 eV) is convoluted with the surface plasmon resonance mode obscuring information. CL is an emission spectroscopy and, therefore, independent of energy spread of primary electron beam. Local surface plasmon resonance modes at 1.37, 1.90, and 2.95 eV are resolved readily.
JEOL 2100F
STEM mode
100 kV
room temperature
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